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A world without wetlands is a world without water

Published on:
  • Aquaculture, fisheries and coastal agriculture
  • Climate and disaster risks
  • Climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Coastal resilience
  • Coastal wetland conservation
  • Community resilience
  • Integrated delta management
  • Peatland conservation and restoration
  • Rivers and lakes
  • Species

1.2 billion people live in areas where water is physically scarce and 2.7 billion people – 40% of the world’s population – suffer water shortages for at least one month each year. 22 March is World Water Day, an international day to inspire action to tackle these issues. We’re calling on civil society, governments and the private sector to take action for wetlands to help secure water for all.

We interviewed Wetlands International CEO Jane Madgwick to find out why World Water Day is so important and the role that wetlands will play in tackle water scarcity and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

View on Youtube.

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We’ve also created an infographic highlighting the importance of wetlands for water.

A world without wetlands is a world without water - infographic

Download and share the infographic on Facebook and Twitter. Or share a message of support: A world without wetlands is a world without water #WorldWaterDay.