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ASiS International Essay Writing Competition 2017 launched!

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We are holding the ASiS International Essay Writing Competition for school children, with a special theme of “Conserving our natural heritage – wetlands: a global perspective” in association with the SM Sains Alam Shah (ASiS) School and the Ministry of Education in Malaysia. The essay competition is in its seventh year and has been attracting a growing number of entries from around the world.

The competition was launched on 14th February, 2017 at the SM Sains Alam Shah School in Kuala Lampur. Our Associate Expert, John Howes, talked to the young people present about the importance of wetlands, and why the planet needs to act to conserve and protect them.

Mr. Roslie Bin Ahmad, the principal at the SM Sains Alam Shah School said “The topic of conservation has long proven to be a popular one for school children around the world. I look forward to seeing what new and interesting information we get as part of the entries.”

Entries, in English, are now open to all school children worldwide. The winners will receive a prize and a certificate, and of course, the kudos of having won an international competition, which would look good on your applications for higher education.

There’s plenty of time to think about your essay – the closing date for entries is 31st May 2017.

If you are between the ages of 12 and 18, you have an interest in nature, and you’d like to write about what you’ve learned or know about wetlands, then enter the competition today: download the entry form and send it, along with your essay, to [email protected] for the Senior Category and [email protected] for the Junior Category. More information about the different categories can be found on the competition website.

Dr Taej Mundkur, Senior Technical Officer of Wetlands International said “I got into birdwatching and writing about the environment as a young boy, and have had a long and interesting career doing what I love the most. I hope that the young people who enter the competition feel just as enthusiastic as I was back then and enjoy expressing their wonder and interest for wetlands through this competition. A strong love and attachment for our environment is key to securing its conservation in the future.”

The initiative is funded by the SM Sains Alam Shah School, Wetlands International and a contribution from CAF America and Arcus.