Consultancy – Wetland Inventory Eastern Rift and Mangrove Coast
We are looking for experienced consultants or organisations to develop a wetland inventory for two ecoregions in East Africa. This work will be done under the Source to Sea initiative, which aims to address the drivers to the loss of wetlands and their biodiversity in Eastern Africa by putting in place enabling conditions for integrated wetland management solutions at landscape and ecoregional levels. The consultancy will be done in collaboration with Wetlands International and the stakeholders in our landscape partnerships.
Eastern Africa’s inland and coastal wetlands are under threat, through an increase in natural resource exploitation, population growth and large-scale economic and infrastructural developments. However, it is difficult to accurately track wetlands, due to limited data availability, especially at regional level. Therefore, we propose to work on an Eastern African wetland inventory for the two specific ecoregions.
The objective of this inventory is to identify the location, extent and type of wetlands within the specified two ecoregions (see Scope). Where possible, information about wetland condition is to be added. This inventory will provide important information to be used as baseline for future data collection, and decision making on wetland management, restoration and protection.
Interested? Please click the file below to access the terms of reference. Applications can be sent before the 10th of July to [email protected] and CC: [email protected]; [email protected] with ‘Wetland Inventory Eastern Africa’ in the title of the message.