Cormorant Specialist Group
To promote the Knowledge of the Ecology and Life History of Cormorants (Aves-Phalacrocoracidae)
About us
Officially founded at the 3rd European Cormorant Conference held in Gdansk, Poland in April 1993, its main aim is to facilitate the exchange of information on both ecology and biology of the different species of cormorants worldwide and on possible conflicts between cormorants and human fisheries’ interests.
To achieve this goal, regular meetings and workshops are organised and, at least once a year, the Cormorant Research Group Bulletin is being published.
Contributions of ornithologists as well as of fishery biologists and nature management officials to our activities are welcomed.
Presently 510 members, 50 actively involved, membership is free, therefore no financial contribution from members. The Group’s main source of support is RIZA.
The Group is co-ordinated by Mennobart R. van Eerden from the Directorate General Rijkswaterstaat in The Netherlands, who has studiedP. c. sinensis in Europe for over ten years now. Jeff S. Kirby, Head of Research at The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust will function as Assistant Coordinator. Other officers may be nominated in due course but it is the aim of the Group not to become too big too soon, but to reassess the need for more supporters periodically. The structure of the Group will therefore evolve and will become clearer over the coming months.
Mennobart van Eerden, Rijkswaterstaat (RIZA)
Postbus 600, 8200 AP Lelystad, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 320 260915, Fax: +31 320 234300.
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information please see our new website: Cormorant Home Page
For profile see: Download here
The Group in partner of the CorMan initiative and is directly involved in the organisation of the “Cormorant Counts in the western Palearctic” a pan-European census of breeding colonies in 2012 and a census of winter roosts in January 2013. More information about the projectare availble from the Cormorant home page.