Annual Review 2009
The review charts the main achievements, as well as projects, finance and publications of Wetlands International during 2009. Furthermore, it highlights our work in relation to the Copenhagen Climate summit and a personal story from one of our projects. New this year is also our Climate Neutrality Report, as promised in last year’s Annual Review.
The review over the past year demonstrates how our organisation continues to witness and report continuing wetland degradation, but also how we are effectively preventing and reversing this trend in many key wetland areas. Working with governments on all levels, with local communities and increasingly with the corporate sector, we are quantifying and demonstrating how healthy wetlands can benefit biodiversity and people’s well-being in all regions of the world.
Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies
In 2009, we were especially successful in bringing attention to significant role that wetlands can play in climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. We are grateful to members and partners for good support in this advocacy campaign, which we expect will bring about large scale incentives for wetland conservation and restoration.
Enhanced visibility and of the vital support
This latest Annual Review tells of our enhanced visibility and of the vital support we get from our volunteers, experts, partners and donors which enables us to make a real impact. We are, as always, extremely grateful to you all and we count on your continued support in 2010 and beyond.
Please enjoy reading this Annual Review 2009 and feel free to raise any questions or comments.