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Downstream Voices

Published on:
  • Climate and disaster risks
  • Coastal resilience
  • Coastal wetland conservation
  • Community resilience
  • Integrated delta management
  • Rivers and lakes

In his new book “Downstream Voices” commissioned  by Wetlands International, Fred Pearce takes you along his journey to three large river basins in India, Mali and Senegal where Wetlands International improves water resource management and the condition of wetlands to make communities more resilient to extreme weather events and impacts from climate change.

This book makes the case for addressing ecosystem degradation as one of the root causes of risk and vulnerability and for opting for ecosystem-based solutions as a way to reduce disaster risk and build community resilience. It focuses on water-related hazards in particular, as they make up a vast majority of risks, and are often exacerbated by inadequate water and natural resource management.

Downstream Voices