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Landscape scale Disaster Risk Reduction: Wetland restoration to reduce risks, India

Published on:
  • Rivers and lakes

The Mahanadi delta and Kosi-Gandak floodplains in India are home to millions of farmers and fishers who used to benefit from the dynamic and nutrient rich floods within the landscape.

Dams and dykes have led to the fragmentation of water regimes, and in the coastal region the mangrove ecosystems are highly degraded or even lost. This leaves communities vulnerable to droughts, floods and cyclones.

Wetlands International and partners bring stakeholders in the landscape together to increase community resilience through integrating ecosystem restoration with engineering solutions and early-warning and preparedness measures.

We leveraged large scale financial and technical support for our approach through ongoing developmental schemes of the state governments.

Landscape scale Disaster Risk Reduction: Wetland restoration to reduce risks, India