Proceedings of meeting of Specialist Group in November 2000
The workshop was held to re-establish relationships with Wetlands International’s Specialist Group Coordinators and with the International Partners (Birdlife International, and IUCN-SSC) that share interests in the Specialist Group Network. Joint Workshops were also held on behalf of the Ramsar Bureau’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel, to work on proposed additional guidance for designation of peatlands and wet grasslands. The discussions and recommendations arising from this Workshop call for many actions to be carried out in the short and long term by the governance and staff of Wetlands International, by Specialist Group coordinators and members, and by Partner organisations. Many of these actions are ongoing and essential part of normal working, however, they require explicit recognition and accountability when drawing up forward plans, or developing projects. 21 key issues and proposed actions were identified, which have been taken forward into a Priority Action plan, to be led by the International Coordination Unit of Wetlands International.