Wetlands International at Ramsar COP14
The Ramsar Convention is the intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. This November, governments will convene for the14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14).
Governments have an opportunity to focus on solutions that will safeguard and sustain wetlands for people and nature. COP14 provides avenues for stakeholder dialogue to mobilize investments. Critically, it is also taking place right before Climate COP27 and Biodiversity COP15, spotlighting the importance of wetlands in tackling both the climate and nature crises.
Why does COP14 matter?
- COP14 is a unique forum to address global wetland decline
- It is a milestone to scale up actions for wetlands ahead of Climate COP27 and Biodiversity COP15
- It provides avenues for stakeholder dialogues to mobilize investments
- It will highlight the importance of urban wetlands in city planning
- Governments have the opportunity to input critical suggestions for achieving the Paris Agreement, Global Biodiversity Framework and the SDGs.
It is increasingly evident that countries will be unable to meet their climate and biodiversity targets without immediate action to restore and conserve their degraded wetlands. It is critical, therefore, that governments raise ambition and scale up the conservation of wetlands.
Our sessions
Learn more about our sessions here
Endorsed documents
Global Mangrove Watch platform updated with the latest data to 2020
Wetlands International at COP27
UNFCCC Ocean-Climate Action at COP 27
Wetlands International calls for global wetland targets ahead of critical CBD COP15 negotiations