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IWC guidance: Field Protocol for waterbird counting

Published on:
  • International Waterbird Census
  • Species

This manual introduces the common standards and field protocol for waterbird counting under the International Waterbird Census (IWC). It is primarily intended for national coordinators and counters of the IWC, but can serve as a useful introduction to the main methods and principles of waterbird counting and monitoring.

The manual covers:

  • What are waterbirds;
  • Why count waterbirds;
  • What is the IWC;
  • Where to count waterbirds;
  • How to count waterbirds;
  • When to count waterbirds;
  • Record keeping;
  • Linking monitoring with other conservation and research

Protocol for waterbird counting (English version)

Protocol for waterbird counting (French version)

Protocol for waterbird counting (Arabic version)