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Wings Over Wetlands (WOW) project: Flyway Training Kit (FTK)

Published on:
  • Asian Waterbird Census
  • International Waterbird Census
  • Species

Across the African-Eurasian region a number of training courses and awareness raising activities already exist. However, their structure and delivery suffers from a number of limitations that do not enable sustainable management of wetland and migratory waterbirds. Wings Over Wetlands project has helped to tackle this problem by establishing a FLYWAY TRAINING PROGRAMME that will serve as a basis for strengthening the capacity for sustainable wetland and waterbird conservation from a flyway perspective.

Flyway Level Training

While there are a number of site-specific training programmes on wetland and waterbird conservation in the African-Eurasian region, they are not yet equipped to tackle the long-term management of wetland and migratory waterbird resources from a flyway perspective. From the outset, the Wings Over Wetlands project worked with the principal training institutions and stakeholders in Africa and Eurasia to assess training needs in each region. Project members have worked on building consensus throughout the process and have made it a point to nurture and support local ownership.

The Flyway Training Kit

The Flyway Training Kit is the product of this effort. It consists of a set of widely reviewed, locally owned, flexible and practical training modules on wetland and migratory waterbird conservation. These modules provide a broad generic outline that can easily be adapted to the actual training needs of any target group in a given country or region. Each training kit includes three modules with example-rich text, case studies and exercises, presented in a flexible ring-bound format and supported by a comprehensive set of PowerPoint presentations. The format allows each user to extract exactly what they need and tailor training to a  specific target group. As well as PowerPoint presentations, the accompanying CD includes a range of supporting material such as AEWA and Ramsar documents and guidelines.

The kit is available in Arabic, English, French and Russian.

WOW Training Resources: The Flyway Training Kit (FTK)

On this page you will find a number of useful resources and documents relating to the the Wings Over Wetlands (WOW) Project  Flyways Training Kit. The resources on this page can be used free of charge and new resources are added by the WOW Training and Capacity Building team as they become available.

The flyway approach to the conservation and wise use of waterbirds and wetlands: The Flyway Training Kit (English / PDF Format)

Title, Date of last modification and size respectively, click on the title to download. 

Table of Contents & Forewords
5/15/2010 467.81 KB
Module 1: Understanding the Flyway Approach
1/31/2011 4.17 MB
Module 2: Applying the Flyway Approach
1/31/2011 6.28 MB
References and further reading (Module 1&2)
5/16/2010 269.53 KB
Module 3: Communicating the Flyway Approach
2/24/2011 2.20 MB
Workshop programme, learning objectives and session plans
5/15/2010 581.35 KB
Workshop exercises and case studies (for Module 1 &2)
2/24/2011 2.11 MB
Annexes, Glossary, Acronyms & CD Contents
5/15/2010 3.64 MB

Les Concepts de Voies de Migration pour la conservation et l’utilisation rationnelle des oiseaux d’eau et des zones humides: Kit de formation

Titre, Date de dernière modification et taille du fichier respectivement, cliquez sur le titre pour le télécharger.

Introduction & Avant-propos
5/26/2011 501.88 KB
Module 1: Compréhension des concepts de Voies de Migration pour la Conservation
5/26/2011 6.58 MB
Module 2: Application des concepts de Voies de Migration à la Conservation
5/26/2011 6.44 MB
Références et lectures supplémentaires (Modules 1 & 2)
5/26/2011 325.30 KB
Module 3: Communication sur les concepts de voies de migration pour la Conservation
5/26/2011 2.40 MB
Programme de l’Atelier, Objectifs et plans de formation
5/26/2011 1.28 MB
Exercices et Etudes de cas (Module 1&2)
5/26/2011 2.84 MB
Annexes, Glossaire, Acronymes & Contenu des CD
2/24/2011 1.01 MB

Arabic toolkit

The flyway approach to the conservation and wise use of waterbirds and wetlands: The Flyway Training Kit (Arabic/ PDF Format)

Module 1: Arabic
Module 1: Exercises Arabic
Module 2: Arabic
Module 2: Exercises Arabic
Module 3: Arabic

Russian toolkit

The flyway approach to the conservation and wise use of waterbirds and wetlands: The Flyway Training Kit (Russian/ PDF Format)

Module 1: Russian
Module 2: Russian
Module 3: Russian